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Bloomberg: Is this person a robot?

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    A renewed bout of volatility in the bond market impacted stock trading, with investors also awaiting earnings from a handful of big techs. Oil sank as Israel appeared to hold off on a broader ground invasion of Gaza.

    After several twists and turns, the S&P 500 closed at its lowest since May. The gauge fell for a fifth straight session — its longest slide this year, while holding above the key 4,200Bloomberg Terminal mark. That’s a technical support and represents a 50% retracement of the rally from the lows seen in the March banking turmoil. The Nasdaq 100 outperformed, with Microsoft Corp. gaining ahead of its results and Nvidia Corp. up about 4%. Treasury 10-year yields slumped after hitting 5%.


    Article information

    Author: Alicia Parks

    Last Updated: 1698501003

    Views: 1136

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    Author information

    Name: Alicia Parks

    Birthday: 1935-07-10

    Address: 91920 Patterson Club Apt. 376, Lake Michelle, FL 13852

    Phone: +4249128008509244

    Job: Geologist

    Hobby: Painting, Sewing, Magic Tricks, Kite Flying, Gardening, Embroidery, Camping

    Introduction: My name is Alicia Parks, I am a unwavering, radiant, lively, ingenious, unswerving, welcoming, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.