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Finbold - Top Gainers in Cryptocurrency: BTCMTX, SOL, and MK out of the Top 6 to Buy Right Now

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The cryptocurrency market has been going through a resurgence, with new projects launching and established coins generating momentum once more.

Determining which assets are worth investing in and which aren’t can be challenging – especially for those just entering the crypto market for the first time.

In this article, we will explore six of the most promising cryptocurrencies that investors may wish to add to their portfolios this week.

1. Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX)

One of the most promising projects on the market right now is Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX).

Bitcoin Minetrix introduces a first-of-its-kind “Stake-to-Mine” model that allows everyday crypto investors to participate in the BTC mining process.

This works by staking BTCMTX, Bitcoin Minetrix’s native token, to earn non-tradable cloud mining credits.

In turn, this opens up Bitcoin mining to the masses without requiring any advanced computing equipment or specialized knowledge.

Not only does staking BTCMTX enable Bitcoin mining, but it also generates a high APY of over 185% at the time of writing.

This gives holders substantial rewards on top of any cloud mining profits they accrue.

Bitcoin Minetrix is hosting a presale before the platform’s official launch, offering BTCMTX tokens at the discounted price of $0.0114.

Over $3.1 million has been raised already, with the development team aiming to launch BTCMTX on exchanges once the presale ends.

Given the project’s impressive presale traction and the massive influx of members to Bitcoin Minetrix’s Telegram community recently, BTCMTX could be an altcoin that investors may wish to consider for their portfolios.

Visit Bitcoin Minetrix Presale

2. Solana (SOL)

Solana (SOL) has been the talk of the crypto market in recent weeks, rising over 340% year-to-date.

As a Layer-1 blockchain, Solana provides the foundation for a vast array of decentralized applications (dApps) across DeFi, NFTs, Web3, and more.

The past month alone has seen SOL gain 88%, with the token trading just above the $40 level.

Much attention has been paid to Solana’s new scaling protocol, Firedancer, which aims to create a “more performant network.”

Additionally, Solana has obtained some high-profile partnerships in recent times, such as with payments giant Visa.

These elements have combined to create a wave of hype around SOL and its prospects.

If the token continues on its current trajectory and can weather any profit-taking, it could be another crypto that investors may wish to keep an eye on.

3. Meme Kombat (MK)

Another cryptocurrency investors may consider checking out this week is Meme Kombat (MK).

Meme Kombat taps into the viral power of internet memes and combines it with the excitement of blockchain gaming.

Players can watch and bet on battles between AI-animated meme characters, with the outcome of each battle determined on-chain.

Wagering on these meme battles takes place using the native MK token.

Players can earn more MK by making smart bets and staking their tokens – the latter of which offers yields as high as 112% per year.

Meme Kombat also has an appealing tokenomics structure, with 50% of the supply reserved for the presale, 30% for gaming/staking rewards, and the rest split between liquidity and community incentives.

With a growing Telegram community and an ambitious roadmap, the future looks exceedingly bright for Meme Kombat.

Interested investors can buy MK tokens through the presale for just $0.1667 ahead of the DEX listings planned once it concludes.

Visit Meme Kombat Presale


HELLO Labs (HELLO) aims to integrate crypto into the mainstream media through initiatives like its upcoming TV show “Killer Whales.”

The show will leverage crypto and NFTs to engage viewers and offer new monetization models.

HELLO Labs’ native token, HELLO, underpins this blend of entertainment and blockchain technology.

Over the last few months, the HELLO price has surged by 257%, trading as high as $0.09.

According to CoinMarketCap data, more than $5.6 million worth of HELLO exchanged hands in the past 24 hours – a 30% increase from the previous day.

The hype around HELLO Labs’ TV show launch, along with exchange listings on high-profile platforms like MEXC, has helped fuel demand for HELLO.

Should this trend continue, then the upside potential for HELLO is huge, positioning it as one of the best cryptocurrencies to consider buying right now.

5. TG.Casino (TGC)

TG.Casino (TGC) is another high-potential cryptocurrency investors may wish to add to their watchlists.

This brand-new project aims to bring the excitement of online gambling into the crypto space in a unique way.

TG.Casino operates entirely through Telegram, providing users instant access to hundreds of casino games and a full sportsbook.

The platform is licensed by Gaming Curacao and requires no KYC or account setup.

The native TGC token powers the casino’s ecosystem, granting holders special perks and rewards, like 25% cashback on losses.

Another significant benefit of holding TGC is the ability to earn yields as high as 313% APY by staking tokens.

This provides a sizable passive income stream on top of any potential gambling winnings.

TG.Casino also enables profit sharing, with 60% of the casino’s monthly profits used to buy back TGC from the open market and distribute the tokens back to stakers.

With TGC tokens available for just $0.15 through the ongoing presale, many early investors believe this token could be primed for growth before the end of the year.

Visit TG.Casino Presale

6. Oasis Network (ROSE)

Rounding off our discussion of the best cryptos to buy now is Oasis Network (ROSE).

Oasis Network stands out for its focus on enabling private, secure, and high-performing decentralized apps.

The network leverages advanced technologies like Trusted Execution Environments and ParaTimes to allow developers to build apps with built-in privacy and scalability features.

The ROSE token powers the ecosystem as its native currency for fees, staking, governance, and more.

ROSE has seen impressive growth recently, jumping by 42% in the past two weeks to $0.056.

Several key developments have fueled this rise, such as the continued growth of Oasis Network’s development fund and the integration with the Cosmos ecosystem.

As adoption accelerates and market sentiment improves, ROSE could be another high-potential token to consider in the final weeks of 2023.


Article information

Author: Zachary Norman

Last Updated: 1700325961

Views: 1163

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Author information

Name: Zachary Norman

Birthday: 2005-10-04

Address: 9614 Tristan Keys Apt. 840, New Tiffanyshire, AK 27236

Phone: +4553777878167102

Job: Chemical Engineer

Hobby: Reading, Mountain Climbing, Playing Chess, Quilting, Sewing, Cycling, Tennis

Introduction: My name is Zachary Norman, I am a unwavering, accessible, audacious, vivid, venturesome, intrepid, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.